
Data Management
Emrullah Çelik

MongoDB and Its Key Features

MongoDB is a document-based NoSQL database system. Unlike relational database systems, MongoDB stores data using JSON-like documents. These documents consist of field-value pairs and are stored in BSON (Binary JSON) format.

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a brochure about cyberattacks prepared by mysoly
Data Management

How to Protect Your Data Against Cyberattacks

It’s important to remember that the security of your data in the cloud is only as strong as the measures you put in place to protect it. Cybersecurity attacks are a trending topic, and it’s crucial to stay informed about the latest threats and how to prevent them.

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AI Based Online Platforms

LingoDutch – A Dutch Grammar Correction Model

LingoDutch has a comprehensive machine learning algorithm that is designed to help you improve your writing skills and achieve your goals. The platform is packed with features that make it easy to identify and correct grammar errors in your writing.

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mysoly brochure about storage and data management solutions
Data Management

Storage and Data Management Predictions for 2023

Unstructured data can be a challenge to manage, but with the right approach, it’s possible to optimize and get the most out of it. At Mysoly, we specialize in helping organizations optimize their unstructured data. Our team of experts can work with you to develop a customized strategy for managing and leveraging your data.

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A brochure cover asking how to optimize Unstructured Data
Data Management

Unstructured Data Optimization

Unstructured data can be a challenge to manage, but with the right approach, it’s possible to optimize and get the most out of it. At Mysoly, we specialize in helping organizations optimize their unstructured data. Our team of experts can work with you to develop a customized strategy for managing and leveraging your data.

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