
All in edtech
News and Trends About AI
Halil Ünsal

Ensuring Data Privacy in AI-Driven EdTech Solutions

In educational settings, AI processes and analyzes large volumes of student data. This data is generally for training purposes and often includes sensitive personal information. The inclusion of such data in AI training presents significant risks. These risks include potential breaches of confidentiality, unauthorized access, and misuse of student information.

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US Senate AI Working Group Releases Roadmap
News and Trends About AI
Serkan Kilic

US Senate AI Working Group Releases Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Policy

On May 15, 2024, the Bipartisan Senate AI Working Group, including Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-NY) and Senators Mike Rounds (R-SD), Todd Young (R-IN), and Martin Heinrich (D-NM), published a comprehensive report titled “Driving U.S. Innovation in Artificial Intelligence: A Roadmap for Artificial Intelligence Policy in the United States Senate.”

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Use AI Chatbots to Enhance EdTech
AI Based Multilingual-LMS
Serkan Kilic

Use AI Chatbots to Enhance EdTech

The world of education is undergoing a remarkable transformation, driven by the rapid advancement of technology. Educators are increasingly embracing digital tools to enhance learning experiences, making them more engaging and effective for students.

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a man try to connect LMS on the tablet
AI Based Multilingual-LMS
Serkan Kilic

Generative AI for Learning Management Systems (LMS)

Let’s e­xplore how AI can help improve e­ducation. Tools that create customized le­sson plans for each student or comprehe­nsively evaluate the­ir progress could transform learning. Technologie­s adjusting to individual needs may engage­ pupils more, while nuanced pe­rformance reviews aid de­velopment. Though early, such applications may e­nhance instruction methods. Their pote­ntial warrants investigation into responsibly guiding education’s advance­ment through innovative, student-ce­ntered approaches.

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The EU AI Act
News and Trends About AI
Serkan Kilic

The EU AI Act: A Pioneering Regulation or a Milestone in Innovation?

Explore the groundbreaking EU AI Act, a historic milestone in AI regulation. From defining key terms to addressing risks, discover its impact on high-risk applications, transparency obligations, and the path it paves for responsible and ethical AI development in the dynamic European landscape.

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