Mysoly Dutch Grammar Correction Model

Company: BOOM NT2 School

Date: 01.08.2023

Keywords: Language Models, Grammar Correction with AI Tools

Place: BOOM NT2 - Amsterdam Office

In Brief: Together with BOOM experts, we discussed the possible solution with the help of AI and Large Language Models in Dutch language testing. The talks are based on possible partnership opportunities for the future. We explained how we can solve problems such as the lack of sufficient library support for Large Language Models (LLM) in the Dutch language and the inability of machine learning to provide accurate feedback in possible integrations. We also gave examples from the LLM-supported “Dutch Grammar Correction Model” developed by Mysoly.

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Picture of Marjolein L. Van der Sluis
Marjolein L. Van der Sluis
Integration and Inclusion Specialist
Picture of Marjolein L. Van der Sluis
Marjolein L. Van der Sluis
Integration and Inclusion Specialist